Foto de Lawren Mikkelsen México

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Long walks at the beach, Toast obviously, Purple & Comics, Rocketship, Ray guns, Dragons, Lazers, Glasses, universit because I\'m an EVIL NERD!! Zombies, Mint Ice cream, Vodka, My dog, cigarettes , Coffee I love fucking Starbucks and the smell of Starbucks o.0 anyways Anime, Music, Movies, Video games, Pokemon, resident evil, Starbucks, deathcore, grindcore, Starbucks, metalcore, deathmetal hahaha xD

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
35.43 x 11.81 in
66.93 x 47.24 in
11.81 x 19.69 in
21.65 x 31.50 in
29.53 x 39.37 in

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Ollo! The name is Lawren a.k.a DzAzzteRZ!, boy\'s name is Bergolio haha (I know.. don\'t ask -.-) yeah whatever you want to call me, law, lawli, verg, paty... Well about me? I really don\'t know how to start & like people would actually read this -.- well yeah about me? I say EVIL a lot oh and speak PARSEL TONGUE and YES i\'m a GRYFFINDOR. I have cast spells, do f*cking move!! Shrink people with my Awesome talent LOL. I know LAME but EVIL like that! ;) My hobbies? my hobbies includes torturing and murdering muggles, play pokemon, videogames,spreading chaos and terror throughout the world and ANAGRAMS lastly I always wanted to join the ARMY LOL!, visit exotic places, meet strangers then kill them. :] AWESOMENESS!!! ;)

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